Senin, 04 April 2011


Noun Clause Example :
  • The doctor recommended that he take a vacation
  • It was proposed that the meeting be adjourned
  • We will ask whomever the employment agency sands
  • He says that they plan to come to the dance
  • They replied that they would come to this town
  • I do not understand how all it happened
  • How the budget got in is a mystery
  • He feared that he would fail
  • No one knows who he is
  • I did not know what he would do next

Noun Clause

Noun Clause is a clause which is used instead of functioning as a noun or noun (noun). Noun Clause besides this, there are actually more like an adverb clause and clause adjective clause. To explore the explanation of the noun clause, please note the following explanation :

According to the original sentence types, Noun Clause can be classified into 4 types, namely :
  • Statement
  • Question
  • Request
  • Exclamation