Senin, 20 Juni 2011

History And Achievements of AC Milan

Associaziaone Calcio Milan, dubbed the Rossoneri are one of the strongest teams in the league Serie A Italy. The team that had headquarters in the San Siro Stadium - Milan has scored remarkable achievements in domestic and international.

AC Milan The first was formed on December 16, 1899 by British expatriates Alfred Edwards and Herbert of Kiplin. In the early days the club is experiencing internal dissension between the clubs, the problem is a disagreement between several parties bring in foreign players. Finally, to accommodate that desire, formed a new club called Internazionale Milano.

At this time A.C. Milan has received achievement awards from various arena. Here are some of his accomplishments:
  • 18 times Serie A Champions
  • 7 times Champions League
  • 2 times Serie B Champions
  • 5 times Coppa Italia
  • 5 times Champions Italy Supercoppa
  • 5 times European Super Cup winners
  • 2 times Winner's Cup Champions
  • 3 times Intercontinental Cup champions
  • 1 time Champions Club World Cup

Resensi Buku "Jangan Nodai Cinta"

Judul                  :     Jangan Nodai Cinta
Pengarang         :     Solihin dan Iwan Januar
Penerbit             :     GEMA INSANI
Tahun                :     Cetakan pertama, tahun 2003
ISBN                  :     979-561-833-4
Harga Buku       :     Rp 31.900,00

Tak ada tema yang abadi untuk di bahas selain masalah cinta. Tengok saja, mulai dari lagu, puisi, prosa, sampai film di dominasi oleh cinta. Wajar, karena cinta adalah perasaan yang universal. Di mana-mana, di seluruh dunia, orang membutuhkan dan menginginkan cinta.cinta ada pada orang tua yang cinta pada anak-anak mereka, adik dan kakak yang saling menyayangi seperti dalam film Children of Heaven, dan ehm, tentu saja cinta dirasakan oleh sepasang pria dan wanita.
Untuk remaja seperti kamu, masalah cinta itu ibarat nasi, makanan pokok dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Perasaan cinta itu sering kali diwujudkan dalam bentuk punya pacar. Maka MTV menggelar acara Singled Out yang heboh lengkap dengan peri cintanya, dan TransTV punya acara DateExpress. Dalam Singled Out-nya MTV sewringkali remaja memilih pasangan mereka dari hal-hal yang sepele, soal ukuran sepatu, urusan sikat gigi, cara teriak, dsb..
Cinta juga bukan sekedar feeling, tapi bias membuat orang berubah. Orang yang bias merasakan cinta bias mengubahdirinya demi orang yang dicintai. Yang buruk bisa menjadi baik, dan yang urakan bias menjadi rapi jali. Cinta bias juga membuat orang menjadi kreatif. Contohnya ya buku ini.
Sayangnya, cinta sering ternoda judtru oleh mereka yang sedang jatuh cinta. Cinta malah menjadi pelampiasan hawa nafsu. Cinta sudah menjadi kubangan lumpur maksiat. Padahal seharusnya cinta itu dihargai dengan menjaga dan merawatnya. Tentu saja cinta harus dirawat dan dijaga dengan aturan Allah swt.. sebabnya jelas banget, Dia yang menciptakan cinta dan sekaligus menumbuhkan cinta, pastinya Dia juga yang aturan-Nya layak diikuti. Nggak ada yang lain.
Jadi, nggak salah kalau untuk urusan cinta kita harus tunduk apa kata Allah swt.
Maka, jangan nodai cinta, agar cinta dalam hidup kita makin berarti dan memberikan berbagai kebaikan kepada kita semua.
Penulis berharap agar buku ini bermanfaat buat kamu, remaja muslim Indonesia, dalam merangkuh cinta. Agar kelak muncul generasi yang meletakkan Allah, Rasul-Nya dan jihad diatas segala-galanya.
Atas cinta yang telah menjadi inspirasi penulisan buku ini, penilis memanjatkan kalimat alhamdulillah, segala puji dan syukur kehadirat-Nya, tuhan telah memberikan cinta pada kita semua. Juga shalawat dn salam kepada junjungan kepada Nabi saw. Yang telah mengajarkan cinta yang indah pada para pengikutnya.
Ucapan trima kasih juga penulis sampaikan pada keluarga kami masing-masing yang telah merawat kami selama ini.
Tidak lupa penerbit Gema Insani Press ynag bersedia menerbitkan risalah sederhana tentang cinta ini. Khususnya kepada saudari Mimin yang mau bersusah payah membaca dan mengoreksi tulisan kamisehingga nyaman ketika dibaca. Semoga tulisan ini menjadi sesuatu yang bukti cinta kita semua pada umat muslim, dan khususnya remaja muslim di tanah air dan juga di seluruh dunia. Amin

Overview of Buying and Selling Shares

The order of the share purchase is:

  • Customer widened in Company Securities

A client first become a client or open an account at one brokerage company or securities. After that can carry out the transaction.
  • Order from the Customer

Activities of buying and selling stocks at the start with the instruction given investors to brokers. Commands can be directly or by means of communication.
  • Orders forwarded to the Floor Trader

Any orders coming into the broker will then be forwarded to the officers who were brokers on the trading floor.
  • Orders entered into JATS

Trading floor will include all orders in the receipt into the computer system JATS. All orders are entered into the system JATS can be monitored by floor traders or anyone who has a system of information exchange.
  • Transaction Occurs

At this stage, the orders are entered into the system JATS met appropriately priced and listed in the system JATS as a transaction that has occurred.
  • Transaction Settlement

At this stage, investors do not automatically get their rights at this stage because it takes several processes such as clearing, transfer, and others. Until finally the rights of investors are met.

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

13 Tips For Our Health

The three weakest links in the body of the neck, knees and back. If any of these three parts are from the commission, you know. Your whole day is affected. With winter on the way and shoveling snow just around the corner, you must be extra careful with your back.
Almost everything you do affects your back. Most people have back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can be caused by obesity, repetitive movements, sitting, standing, stress and improper lifting techniques. The back is very complicated and is now attending a long way towards preventing many forms of back pain to go in the future.

Here are some tips on how to make your back healthy and strong:
  • On good posture. Slouching brings unnecessary stress on your back.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight is stress on the back.
  • Eat well. We need calcium and vitamin D to bone with other nutrients to keep going.
  • Quit smoking. Studies suggest that smokers are more likely to occur disc problems.
  • Strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. By keeping your stomach muscles strong and maintaining good posture, you will create a natural "belt" around your body on the back give good support.
  • Keep the spine flexible with yoga and gentle exercises. It has been said that a flexible spine, the secret of a youthful body.
  • Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and strong. Many back injuries occur when people who are not active, energetic football game or playing softball on the weekends. Condition your body with regular exercises for you to play sports without pain.
  • Reduce stress. Tense people often tense back. Get enough sleep, exercise, positive, and practice deep breathing regularly.
  • be comfortable. Avoid restrictive clothing and shoes with high heels, which may put stress on your back.
  • When you stand for long periods, reduce to a foot on a field to the strain on your back. Check to get your body position and try the natural curvature of the spine. Take frequent breaks when possible.
  • If you must sit for long periods, get up every 30 minutes walk and do a few stretches.
  • If you work on a computer, adjust your chair so your wrists elbows parallel to the floor and the screen is at eye level.
  • Use your legs when lifting. Bend your knees and straighten your legs as you lift the object. This means that less strain on your back.

We do not know, a healthy back, until we set out with a bad one. Take a proactive approach to a strong, healthy and pain-free back.

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Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Phone Radiation

Mobile is a gadget that can not be dissociated with the needs of people today, mobile phones or abbreviated as HP is helping us interms of communication. In addition to today’s mobile communication devices has increased function as mp3 players, games, and others. By following the sophistication, a lot of us asusers of these advanteges would doze, but we never aware of the dangers of the mob. One danger is radiation, does not mean we do not need to use the phones, because 85% of technology that helps us. To over come some of the radiation, I will give you tips from Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD
  • Turn on speaker when receiving telephone
  • Sms-of course
  • Select the offline mode on phone
  • Move current-phoned ears
  • Avoid when phoned the narrow space
  • Consider the signal
  • Do not be too long would call
  • Reduce the play with a smartphone
  • Keep the phone when not connected
  • Do not pocketed phone
  • Do not place the phone in bed